Paper Title
Study and Implementation of SPIHT and Modified SPIHT Algorithm For Image Compression
In this paper, we study the existing compression technique. That is, Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
(SPIHT). This compression algorithm is based on the wavelet transform. A wavelet is a small wave which has its energy
concentrated in time. It gives a tool for the inspection of non-stationary signal. Wavelet transform which decompose a
signal into a set of elementary function.This elementary function is called the Wavelet. Here we present experimental result
comparing the SPHIT and modified SPIHT algorithm. We found modified SPIHT algorithm gives better compression ratio
and bit per pixel value than the existing SPIHT algorithm. Compression of image is carried on MATLAB.
Keywords— Wavelet Transform, Image Compression, SPIHT and Modified SPIHT.