Paper Title
Web Based Airpollution Monitoring System Using Samrt Phone

This system have ARM7 LPC2138 is heart of the system. Sensors like temperature, smoke, co, no are interfaced with microcontroller which is use for the environmental monitoring air pollution and relay for load like fan and LED. The relay operates on 12v power supply so we are providing this 12volt to relay from secondary side of transformer. The system designed 5v supply for the module LCD, MAX232, sensors which requires 5v. But controller LPC2138 and Bluetooth module needs +3.3v that we are providing by using LM1117 IC that is in SMD(surface mount device) package. The controller continuously reads the value of sensors and displays it on LCD, and by using Bluetooth module these values of sensors are sent to android mobile. At the mobile side android web server is designed to show the parameters worldwide. These values are displayed on the mobile window as well as worldwide mobile or PC. Data will be viewed by the any engineer from any end of the world by this system. If at any time value of temperature sensor will increase by threshold that we have set 40, FAN will on that is connected as a load to relay. It means if temperature increases relay will on and it will on the fan. Similarly if value of smoke sensor will cross the threshold value that is 45, relay will on the LED that is visual indication. And again this increased value will also send to mobile using Bluetooth module. Different sensors are connected to ARM7 via inbuilt ADC. The output of sensor is containing the information about different parameter values.ARM7 is connected Bluetooth module through Max232.The Bluetooth module is used to send the data to the Android phone from Hardware. Android based server &PC are synchronized through same network via same Wi-Fi or keeping hotspot on of smart phone. The same screen as desktop computer is displayed on the smart phone so that the person from Remote location also see the current status of various parameters .We will first connect the Android phone &PC. Once the connection is established the administrator will be able to monitor wireless sensor parameter using the Android phone. Also the administrator can send report via his smart phone directly to PC. Keywords— Web Server, Microcontroller, GPS, GSM, Android.