Paper Title
Intelligent Ambulance Traffic Assistance System With Accident Detection

Nowadays the road accidents in modern urban areas are increased to uncertain level. The loss of human life due to accident is to be avoided. Traffic congestion and tidal flow are major facts that cause delay to ambulance. To bar loss of human life due to accidents we introduce this system or scheme. The main theme behind this scheme is to provide a smooth flow for the emergency vehicles like ambulance to reach the hospitals in time and thus minimizing the delay caused by traffic congestion. This scheme is fully automated, thus it finds the accident spot, conveys the type of emergency to the hospital, measures the traffic density, controls the traffic lights, helping the ambulance to reach the hospital in time. Also detects any road blockages and redirects the ambulance. Keywords— Accident Detection, Ambulance Unit, Message Updating, Automated Traffic Control, Road Blockage, Traffic Density.