Paper Title
Croatian Public Companies For Energy Distribution And Supply: Integration Of Information Subsystems
This research is about integration of information subsystems from:information system procurement, financial
information system, information system security, technical information systems and legal information systems, and about
their mutual dependence and close connections in Croatian public companies for energy distribution and supply. Also,
herewe research the main goals of procurement information system which must be achieved in every organization because
procurement process takes place in every public organization. Based on the model of the business technology matrix their
processes can be executed by other companies engaged in similar activities. This research paper describes the timing of the
sub processes, also. The timing of sub processes needs to be reduced as much as possible to achieve the planned results at the
exit of the sub processes so that the costs of running sub-processes are equal to or lower than they had been so far, but with a
higher quality output. We discuss possible threats to the information systems organization, and how to protect electronic
information in the process of restoration of electronic data base for the financial information system. At the end the research
paper we explain the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, information security in the event of possible
applications of computing in the clouds and activities for technical information system in the flow diagram.
Keywords: Public Energy Companies, Integration Model, Information Sub-systems, Diagram Goals, ERP System.