Paper Title
Thermal Scout Rover for Enhancing Search Efforts in Hazardous Environment
The amount of people who die each year from various natural and man-made calamities, including wars, is rising.
Because of this, a lot of people may become stuck, and it will take a long time for emergency rescue operators to arrive and
begin the rescue operation. During this procedure, several individuals may lose their lives. The rover moves across the open
field in the impacted region to locate the afflicted human being in order to start solving this problem. Robotic vehicles
having thermal imaging capabilities, known as thermal scout rovers, are used for a range of tasks such as environmental
monitoring, exploration, surveillance, and reconnaissance. By utilizing thermal imaging cameras, these rovers are able to
detect temperature differences and identify thermal abnormalities by capturing infrared radiation generated by objects in
their surroundings.It provides the linked web application with a continuous thermal and video feed as well as environmental
sensory data from the catastrophe site. With the aid of a strong remote-controlled flashlight, it can run across uneven ground
in total darkness. It has the ability to identify living people among the debris and facilitate communication between them and
the rescuers. This feature will reduce the risk to human operators by allowing scientists to remotely study environments that
are hazardous. Along with thermal camera, this rover incorporates a Point-of-View (POV) camera, GPS module, radar
sensors, an environmental sensor and gas sensors. This paper presents the operational prototype of a thermal scout rover that
makes use of structural and control characteristics intended to improve the rover's capabilities. Radar sensors improve the
ability to detect and avoid obstacles, which helps with safe navigation in changing surroundings. For environmental
monitoring, the BMP280 sensor delivers pressure, temperature, and altitude readings. When dangerous gasses are detected,
this rover can precisely identify and measure them, notifying operators to take appropriate action Different gases can be
detected for environmental analysis and safety.
Keywords - Thermal Image, Object Detection, ESP32 Camera, Detection Of Human.