Paper Title
Smart Electronic System for Charging Prosumer’s Electric Vehicle from Anywhere on Day Time by Solar Power
Prosumer’s crediting facility for EV charging from elsewhere is a novel concept which will be encourageda
Prosumer to consume maximum solar energy from his plant at day time by charging his EV. The main challenge facing by
DISCOM (Utility Company) from the on-grid solar plants is storing of solar energy produced at day time and redistribute it
at night to the producer (i.e. Energy Banking facility).Another challenge awaiting for DISCOM is over load problem at night
or peak time when will EV get popularized in future and ultimately the scarcity of Electrical energy.
The “Prosumer’s crediting facility for EV charging from elsewhere” can solve these main challenges altogether. Almost all
EV owners are either employees or employers they keep their EVs at working place at day time. Suppose EV owner is a
prosumer (Solar Power plant owner) and there is a facility to charge his EV at the working place from his consumer account
he would charge his EV from there. This facility is called “Prosumer’s crediting facility for EV charging from elsewhere”
that will be a remedy for the setback awaiting in the Electrical Energy field in our country.
Keywords: - Prosumer, DISCOM, EV charging, Energy Banking, Solar plant, On Grid, Solar photo voltaic.