Paper Title
Study on How Sustainable Development is Reflected in Hamk’s Electrical and Automation Studies

Abstract - Sustainability has been highlighted as one cross-cutting theme at Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK). This article aims to describe how sustainable development is reflected in HAMK’s Electrical and Automation engineering studies and to consider possible ways to increase students’ competence in sustainable development. Sustainable development is examined from three perspectives: an ecological, economic and social point of view. According to the study, sustainable development is reflected in the curriculum throughout the studies. The most extensively sustainable development is presented in the studies during the third year of study in the energy efficiency study module. Students’ sustainable development learning is also supported by HAMK’s research and project activities related to energy efficiency and practical solutions for everyday life in the learning environment. The clearest area of development can be found in the thesis. Although the thesis is largely carried out on topics that contribute to sustainable development, sustainability should be made even clearer. Similarly, students’ understanding of how technical solutions can increase ecologicaland social sustainability in a cost-effective manner should be increased.   Keywords - Curriculum, Sustainability