Paper Title
Effective of Dye Sensitizeb Solar Cell with Natural Dye Extraction from Azadirachta Indica
Abstract - Nowadays, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) can be used to produce the electricity. Azadirachta indica is an alternative wood fiber source that can be applied to provide the photosensitive dyes. Consequently, the efficiency improvement of dye-sensitized solar cells by using the azadirachta indica was investigated in this research. As an experiment set up, azadirachta indica was dissolved by deionized water 100 ml. According to the azadiracthta indica concentration, it was experimentally separated by three samples including 10 g, 20 g and 30 g, respectively. There have been found that the highest absorbance of azadiracthta indica was presented by 2.72 A/div under the azadiracthta indica concentration of 20 g at 400-450 nm of wavelength. Moreover, at 20 g of azadiracthta indica concentration illustrated the optimum electrical properties, for instance, current density (Jsc) of .13 mA/cm2, electric potential (Voc) of 0.781 V, Fill Factor of 0.691 and of 0.575 %.
Keywords - Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs), Azadirachta Indica, Solar Cells