Paper Title
Electronics Systems for Greenhouse Lighting
To accomplish ideal plant development and augment the yield, light and temperature in the green house ought to
be nearly observed by a progressed electronic framework. Recent advances offer tremendous opportunities for innovative
work. The fundamental point of this paper is to limit the human look after the plant through robotizing and electronic the
green house and screen the in-house condition status. Sensor measures the incentive from greenhouse and sends to the
Arduino. Information that has been gotten at Arduino will be shown on the LCD screen and Arduino enacts the actuators
(LED, ventilator) as per the program set by the client. These varieties in the sensor esteems are sent to IOT (Internet of
Things) through GSM module. IOT website page can be gotten to by the client from anyplace on the planet through mobile
phone or work area and can control the actuators if necessary. By utilizing this framework, the way toward checking is less
demanding and it is additionally less expensive for establishment and support process. The general framework engineering
indicates points of interest in cost, measure, power, adaptability and appropriated clever. It is trusted that the result of the
undertaking will give the chance to additionally research and business utilize.
Keywords - Greenhouse lighting, GSM, LED, IOT