Paper Title
Implementation of Probabilistic Power-Aware Forward Routing Protocol based on CCN using MSP 430
Wireless multimedia sensor network is an upcoming efficient technology that gains a rapid growth in various
fields and industrial applications. In WMSN, energy efficiency in sensor nodes are the major challenging problem as it is
provided with limited power resources for governing the whole network. In this paper, a Probabilistic Power Aware forward
routing protocol is implemented in content centric network (CCN) using MSP 430 controller and ESP 8266 WIFI module.
CCN infrastructure is basically an energy constraint, but gains more advantages in content transmission in IOT based
applications. This paper is highly focussed in hardware implementation of continuous forwarding of data packets without
flooding and also reduces node failure in the network. The simulation results are verified using NS2 and the output is being
updated via application in mobile phone.
Keywords - CCN, Energy, Flooding, MSP 430, ESP 8266, WMSN.