Paper Title
Automated Ultrasonic Test (AUT) an Innovative Girth Weld Inspection based on Engineering Critical Assessment

Automated Ultrasonic Test ( AUT) technique was developed for fast and reliable inspection of girth welds during Construction of long distance pipeline, both on and offshore. The system is characterized by high inspection speed and instantaneous recording of result. Unlike radiography it provides immediate feedback on weld condition. The capability of AUT to characterize and size flaws enables the applicant ion of Engineering Critical Assessment-based acceptance criteria for weld imperfections. These ECA criteria are based on fracture mechanics considerations and can be used in addition to workmanship standards (WMS). The development and actual use of such modern acceptance criteria support the ongoing development of mechanized ultrasonic inspection. Keywords - AUT, ECA Criteria, TOFD, Phased Array, Mapping, Zonal Technique