Paper Title
Energy Conservation In Air Conditioning: A Case Study Of Hospital Analysis Of Energy Saving Techniques For Air Conditioners

Energy is very scarce commodity particularly in developing and underdeveloped countries. In such scenario it’s imperative to do optimal utilization of energy resource. Cost of energy is spirally increasing day-by-day. So in this paper we had find out the ways to conserve energy in the Acharya Vinobha Bhave Rural hospital situated in wardha (Maharashtra). We have conducted walk through audit and found that the large load is of cooling system used there. In cooling system large part is air conditioners and out of total cooling load it is about 98% and only 2% is of water coolers. So we have tried to found the actual share of the energy consumption by air conditioners. And tried to find out the ways to save the energy consumed by ac. Simple and cost effective method of energy conservation with smallest possible payback period is tried to find out in the hospital. There are various techniques available to reduce energy consumption of air conditioners. These methods are studied and savings by these techniques is evaluated.