Paper Title
Ultrasonic High Voltage Pulser
The ultrasonic high voltage pulser plays the most important role in an Ultrasonic Flaw Detector and an
Ultrasonic Imaging System used for inspection of different kinds of materials Ultrasonic Testing Techiques for NDE (nondestructive
evaluation) of engineering components have developed extensively over some few years.This system is used for
ultrasonic inspection of zircaloy-2 pressue tubes for pressurised heavy water reactors and for end fittings of PHWRs.The
resolution and ultrasonic properties of different kinds of material is the choice of ultrasonic frequency that can be efficiently
used.The main advantage provided by such imaging system is the possibility of superior quality control due to best defect
Index terms - Non destructive Testig , Piezoelectric transducer ,Pulser- receiver.