Paper Title
Developing A Novel Internet of Things Based Main Card for Modular Battery Management Systems

As we have witnessed, nowadays technology is growing up rapidly which means new technologies, concepts, methodologies, applications and so on are showing up themselves. In that context to influence for different disciplines each other is became inevitable sure. Interdisciplinary studies could be more useful and bring new innovations into a real life as well. Therefore, for this study we have focused onto two application areas those are battery management systems and Internet of Things. In that context a novel internet of things based main card has developed for modular battery management systems that gives internet ability to conventional battery management systems for IoT and kind applications. By using this mentioned cost effective main card it is possible to turn conventional battery management systems into internet of things based management systems. Thus, it allows to develop more functional and innovative battery management systems especially for electricity and mobile devices such E-Bike, E-Car and so on. In the following sections “Internet of Things” and “Battery Management System” terms could be abbreviated as “IoT” and “BMS”. Index Terms- Battery Management Systems, Internet of Things,