Paper Title
Performance Analysis of Different Adders Using FPGA
Adders being the building blocks of any microprocessor and digital component, so fast and accurate operation of
digital system are greatly influenced by the performance of the resident adders. Therefore designers are trying to design
different adders which lead to low power, high speed and less area. This project describes the analysis of speed, area and
delay of different types of adder like carry-look ahead adder, carry skip adder, ripple carry adder and carry select adder for 8,
16, 32 and 64 bit. Depending on experimental analysis, for 64 bit RCA have simplest architecture but highest carry
propagation delay of 100%. CSKA performs fast addition; it greatly reduces the delay with special speed up carry chain
called a skip chain, as the carry bit for each block can be bypassed (skip) over the blocks and has propagation delay of
63.75%. CSLA performs fast addition where adders are split in blocks of N by half or variable length and there partial sum,
true sum and carry are calculated by parallel addition with carry in for 0 and for 1.Final result is selected by the multiplexer
and its having delay of 9.01% for 64 bit. Various adders are designed using Verilog HDL. Then, they are simulated and
synthesized using Xilinx ISE 12.2 for Vertex 6 family with device speed grade -3.
Index Terms— RCA-Ripple carry adder; CLA-Carry look ahead adder; CSKA-Carry skip adder; CSLA-Carry select adder.