Paper Title
Design Of Energy Efficient Smart Fan

As limitation of the existing fans is that it not energy efficient and has to be operated manually. It does not change its speed according to changes occurred in the environment. This paper resolves all issues by the efficient use of MSP430 microcontroller integrated circuit with energy consuming technology and intellectual use of pyroelectric infrared sensing mechanism, with variable speed, with displaying on mobile different temperature in Degree and humidity in %RH. This system is very useful for disabled as well as old age people, because overall system is controlled automatically with no any control by hand. Since system has long-distance operation i.e automatically check presence of human and sense the temperature and humidity, so we can save more energy, to gain a larger market space with smartly. Hence this system is energy efficient and adaptable to change in Environmental conditions. Index Term— Cone angle, Digitally Controlled Oscillator, MSP430, Pyroelectric Infrared Technology.