Paper Title
Optimal Transmission Expansion Planning With Generator/Load Models And Frequency Controls Using Differential Evolution Algorithm
Cost-effective transmission expansion planning (TEP) is a major challenge of the power system optimization
problems. The main purpose of TEP problem is to determine the optimal expansion plan of the electrical transmission
system. Furthermore, TEP should specify the new circuits that have to be added to an existing network to guarantee adequate
operation for a specified planning horizon. Usually, TEP can be categorized as static or dynamic (multistage) planning
according to the study period. Static planning involves a single planning horizon, whereas dynamic planning is a derived
generalization that considers the separation of the planning horizon into multiple stages. In the past few years, various
evolutionary algorithms, heuristic or metaheuristic algorithms are being applied for expansion planning. Differential
evolutionary algorithm (DEA) has been used to solve a wide range of power system problems such as static TEP, short-term
scheduling of hydrothermal power systems, power system planning etc. In a number of cases, DEA is proven to be reliable
providing optimal solutions with acceptable computational effort. In this paper DEA is proposed to solve the TEP, based on
AC-OPF problem, using AC model. In practical scenario, the load/generator is not in a single type. In this paper TEP is
approaches to be carried out with generator model and various load models. In order to optimize the transmission network
topology by minimizing the objective function, this paper deals with selection of new circuits which should be added to the
existing transmission network. It is, however subjected to operating conditions for generating units and transmission
Keywords- AC-OPF, Differential Evolution Algorithm, Frequency Control, Generator Model, Load Models, Transmission
Expansion Planning.