Paper Title
Digital Thermometer Robot using 8051 Microcontroller

Abstract - The Digital Thermometer Robot is a powered device which can be used to move the robot to check the temperatures of people with the help of a temperature sensor and a remotely controlled motion sub-system using a Bluetooth Module. The heart of the bot is the AT89C51 microcontroller, which belongs to the 8051 family. The L293D motor driver along with a pair of DC motors have also been incorporated to constitute the brawn of the robot. As for the temperature scanning, we have installed the LM35 temperature sensor into the robot to measure the temperature of a person, and this measured data which is originally in analogue, is then converted to digital through the ADC0808 Analog-to-Digital Converter. This data will further be displayed to the person controlling the robot with the help of the LM016L LCD Display. The programming of the entire system will be carried out in Embedded C language. We intend to make this robot easy to handle and also cost effective which makes it affordable for middle and lower-middle class homes. The main ideology behind the working of the robot is to examine the temperature of people and give a signal to the respective personnel if he/she is well under the threshold temperature and that they can enter the premises or building. This guarantees safety to the people who are assigned the roles of measuring the temperatures of people in places of work and residential areas during the covid 19 pandemic. Keywords - Digital Temperature Robot, Remotely Controlled, Bluetooth Module, AT89C51 Microcontroller, 8051, L293D Motor Driver, DC Motors, LM35 Temperature Sensor, ADC0804 Analog-to-Digital Converter, LM016L LCD, Embedded C, Middle and Lower-Middle Class Homes, Safety, Cov’19 Pandemic.