Paper Title
Charging/Discharging Characteristics of Self-Assembled GaIn As Quantum Dots by Capacitance-Voltage Technique using Temperature-Frequency Method

Abstract - This study presents a capacitance-voltage (C-V) technique to examine the electrical properties of self-assembled Ga(0.5)In(0.5)As quantum dots (QDs) under variable temperature and frequency conditions. The temperature, frequency, and applied voltage bias were studied as factors influencing the charging/discharging effects of the QD layers.Experiments performed C-V measurements at fixed frequencies while varying the temperature (50–440 K), and at fixed temperatures while varying the frequency (100 kHz–1 MHz). The band diagram of the Ga(0.5)In(0.5)As QDs was used to determine the possible conduction C-V mechanism of the QD layers. The C-V characteristics show peaks that vary with temperature, frequency, applied bias, and relate to the charging/discharging of the QDs. Therefore, the occupancy of the carriers inside the QDs can be tuned by adjusting the bias voltage, temperature, and frequency. Article Highlights • Examined the capacitance-voltage (C-V) behavior of Ga(0.5)In(0.5) self-assembled quantum dots. • Developed a novel method for C-V measurements using fixed frequencies while varying the temperature (50–440 K) and compared it to traditional C-V using fixed temperatures while varying the frequency (100 kHz–1 MHz). • The occupancy of the carriers inside the QDs can be tuned by adjusting the bias voltage, temperature, and frequency. Keywords - Quantum Dots, Capacitance-Voltage Temperature-Frequency Characteristics, Thermal Emission, Tunnelling, PINDiode, Nanoscale Devices