Paper Title
E-Printing using Barcode
In Organizations we often face problems regarding the printing of document,so in order to solve these problems
we have decided to develop an E-printing system of centralized printing system. Our solutions have in turn improved work
control, reduced costs and increased efficiency. Proposed system is accessed by three entities namely, Admin, User and
Release Station. User need to login with their valid login first in order to access the web application. Admin can perform
tasks such as adding new users and creating a login for them. Admin can view or delete a registered user. User can login into
the system and perform tasks such as upload document for printing, and send printing request, view printing jobs, printing
status. A user at release station prints the desired requested documents that he/she has uploaded. Application handles load
balancing on every printer on the network.
Keywords - Barcode, Release Station, Centralized Management for Printers