Paper Title
Electronic Waste (E-Waste)/Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE): Projecting Future Research Trends using Bibliometric Analysis

This study performed a bibliometric analysis on the research topic of electronic waste (e-waste) or waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) assessing global performance and international cooperation in scientific research over a 25-year timeframe from 1984 to 2019. A total of 3878 relevant publications were collected from the Web of Science (WoS) core collection database. The R-bibliometrix and Biblioshiny (in R-studio) application packages were utilized to conduct data analysis and network visualization. International performance in e-waste-related publications was assessed. The results showed that e-waste-related articles fell under three distinct research clusters, namely as sustainable e-waste management strategies as cluster 1, e-waste recycling, and material recovery techniques as cluster 2 and environmental pollution impact on soil and human health as cluster 3. Using keyword occurrences and text-mining approaches, potential future areas of research have been identified. This paper is particularly helpful for new researchers in the field. Keywords - E-waste, WEEE, Bibliometric analysis, Research trends, Network visualization, Research policy