Paper Title
An Approach towards Smart Home with Secured Alert using Internet of Thing: A Smart Attempt and Review

Nowadays, security becomes one of the significant issues in our home. This is owing to the extended thievery almost all the areas such as houses, temples, banks, etc., Hence people are searching for a right choice of security system in their respective living places. This finds a big thrust in the research field. By considering the above said issues, this paper focuses the safety measures in home with the basis of Internet of Things (IOT).This smart system constantly observes and warns the authorized personality if there is any disturbance found. In addition to that a buzzer will give sound to the adjoining people. Through this IOT based Thievery Control Unit (TCU) , an effective security system will be implemented. Hope this paper will be an appropriate solution to the society security is crucial issue to the general public. Keywords - Home Security, Internet of Thing, PIC Microcontroller, Raseberry pi.