Paper Title
Development of Conformal Dipole Antenna for Biotelemetry Applications
In this paper, conformal dipole antenna is designed and simulated. A model of conformal dipole antenna is
proposed using artificial neural network for biomedical application. Initially, a planar dipole is designed on thin flexible
substrate Rogers RT/Duroid 6010 with dielectric constant (εr=10.2), loss tangent (δ=0.0023) and thickness of (h=10mil) for
ISM band of 2.45 GHz frequency and then conform it on cylindrical surface. The dipole is conformed on cylinder of radius
of curvature (R) from 8 mm to 110 mm with step size of 0.25mm. Three parameter; return loss, resonance frequency and
bandwidth of conformal dipole antenna for different radius of curvature has been modeled using feed-forward back
propagation neural network. The % mean square errors of neural network model are found to be 0.04%, 0.009% and 3.77%
for return loss (S11), resonance frequency (f0) and bandwidth (BW) respectively. A non regression model for conformal
antenna has been developed using curve fitting technique and proposed for biotelemetry applications.
Keywords- Conformal Antenna, Artificial Neural Network, Miniaturization, Curve Fitting.