Paper Title
GSM Based Digital Notice Board using AVR
The digital notice board using a GSM SIM900 module provide users with a simple, fast and reliable way to put
up important notices in an LCD where the user can send a message to be displayed in the LCD and to provide security for
the user so that notices are not changed. The message can be sent through mobile, to the GSM SIM900 module which has a
SIM card inside it. Using mobile notices can be put up in an LCD display from any location. The message should be within
special characters to be displayed by LCD. It uses a microcontroller for system control, GSM technology for communication
and sends SMS containing the message which is between the special characters through the phone. The project consists of an
8-bit AVR (Alf and Vegard’s RISC processor) based microcontroller atmega32, GSM SIM900 module, and LCD. The
message can be sent to GSM module from anywhere around the world provided mobile network connectivity is available.
Keywords - GSM SIM900, LCD, Microcontroller, Security